Small passenger plane records

Dear friends,
I am saddened to hear of the burning aircraft Garuda GA 200 on March 7, 2007, at 07.00 am, Jakarta-Yogyakarta majoring in Adisucipto Airport.
I do not know what causes it. But it's really heartbreaking events and feelings.
Then I remembered a few months ago to fly to Batam with Garuda plane as well. On the plane I sat beside a German citizen. At that moment he felt very upset and angry looks, because suddenly heard the sound of incoming sms mobile signs from one of the passengers, and it was like landing a plane in the position. This guy looks like to admonish but is helpless because it is not a duty.
When asked why he suddenly behave like that, then he told me that he is Manager of one of the industry, he is a supervisor khusus turbine engines. When he carried out his duty turbine engine suddenly died, after investigation it turns out there is one of the officers was using a cell phone inside the turbine engine room.
The Germans explained that if the frequency of mobile phone with a turbine engine is the same chance and synergies, will result in disrupting the turbine, the turbine is more fatal result could soon die.
Our people are really high class. his mobile phone is expensive, disposable transport aircraft. But not stupid ketulungan. There are who do not know why the ban was made, nobody knows but still do not care. Indonesia people should always learn the hard way.
Those who do not know, why should not turn on the Mobile on the plane, the following explanation:
Information gleaned from the ASRs (Aviation Safety Reporting System) that the phone has a major contribution to aviation safety. There have been many cases of aircraft accidents that occurred by comparing phones. Perhaps the following information can be useful for us all, especially the frequent use of aircraft.
A case in point, among others: 10 January 2000. Crossair plane with flight number LX498 just take-off from Zurich airport, Switzerland. A moment later the plane fell swoop. Ten passengers were killed. Investigators found evidence of cell phone signal interference to the aircraft steering system.
A plane flying to Slovenia in Sarajevo Air made ​​an emergency landing because the pilot in the cockpit alarm system continues to wail. Apparently, a device in a suitcase dibagasi lupadimatikan, and cause interference to navigation systems
Qantas Boeing 747 suddenly tilted to one side and climb as high as 700 feet when it was "final approach" to "landing" at London's Heathrow airport. The reason is that the three passengers do not turn off the computer, CD player, and electronic games each (The Australian, 23-9-1998).
In Indonesia? Once the wheels of the aircraft pounded the runway, just heard the sound of some of the newly activated phone. The "outlaws" that did not seem to understand that their actions can harm other passengers, as well as a distraction to the comfort of others. And always remind passengers cabin crew before take off and when it will land, mobile phones must be turned off, not only on-switch that does not ring while in the plane.
Here is a form of disorder, disturbance that occurred on the plane:
Directions to fly off, indicator HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator) is disturbed, disorders cause VOR (VHF Omnidirectional Receiver) inaudible, navigation system disorders, the frequency of communication disorders, Disorders fuel indicator, automatic steering system disorders, all the above disorders caused by cell phones, while other disorders such as compass direction disorders caused by the CD & games. Disturbance indicators CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) caused by gameboy All of the above information is sourced from ASRs.
By looking at the list of problems above we can see that not only when the plane was flying, but when the plane was moving down the runway was considerable interference from mobile phone use.

Noise in the headset of the pilot and intermittent pilot resulted in breaking the sound can not receive instructions from the control tower as well.
To note, phones are not only send and receive radio waves radiate power but also to reach out to the BTS (Base Transceiver Station). A mobile phone base stations can be reached within 35 kilometers. That is, at an altitude of 30,000 feet, a cell phone could reach hundreds of base stations that are below it. If when we get on a plane, be patient for a while. Everyone knows we have a cell phone. Everyone knows we're rushing. Everyone knows we are important people. But, for the safety of others, and out of courtesy to appreciate one another, do not activate the phone while in the an airplane. Hopefully one day our people can get a little smarter.